If you’re looking to solve tough problems faster, research has proven that you should create a workplace where different and diverse perspectives can come together - like they do in coffee shops. This dynamic is often called “thought diversity,” but we know it as, “Café Culture.”

Collaborate & Become a “Reframer”
In this Break Room episode, host John Palumbo discusses the strategy of Reframing that will help expand your horizon to some of the more diverse and disparate people you might want to collaborate with to gain inspiration for a problem you’re trying to solve or an objective you’re trying to meet.
John Palumbo is the founder of BigHeads Network, a full-service podcast production company, and a thought diversity specialist.

A.B.C.D. (Always Be Connecting Dots)
In this Break Room Episode host John Palumbo discusses one of the most important elements of thought diversity – DOT CONNECTING, which is making connections between everything we learn from the diverse perspectives around us and the problem we’re trying to solve…or skills we’re trying to build…or objectives we’re trying to meet.

Why Social Media & AI are Thought Diversity Killers
In this Break Room, host John Palumbo discusses how social media and its AI and algorithms are designed to feed us information that mirrors our own values and opinions and we end up in a sort of echo chamber, which is the opposite of what thought diversity is all about. So, what should organizations and leaders do?

Creating Collisions: Adding Value
In this Break Room Episode, host John Palumbo discusses why it’s important for organizations to create casual or spontaneous collisions at their workplace, which is when employees run into one another and discuss ideas or projects or problems they’re trying to solve. He even discusses ways your company can make collisions happen!

More Simple Strategies
In this Break Room Episode, host John Palumbo introduces a few simple approaches your company can take to foster thought diversity, including what he calls “Ride Alongs”, which bring different departments together…creating a “Guest Office”, where outsiders can “co-work” from your space…and even “Reframing Resumes”, which will help you start hiring and finding more diverse talent.